Tuesday, July 22, 2008

aspiring intellectuals, closet idiots

grr: ok, think of a 'expressive sound' kind of name for yourself
???: paun

grr: paun? as in thuski?
???: the n is a nasal sound.

grr: heh heh spell it better... what about thussss?
???: what about...pau(n)? its not thuss...its paun.

???: the onomatoepic paun
grr: heh! can i call you 'its not thuss, its paun'

???: actually youre right. im more thuss than paun
grr: how about psst?!?

???: that sounds too much like psst
grr: you are the lethal silent bomber

???: ok just call me the silent bomber

grr: phussss?

killer phuss: i am killer phuss


the usual retrospect said...

Paun = loud fart (onomatoepic word)

the usual retrospect said...

Thuski= silent fart